
Curly annuals for vertical garden decoration.
The original design of arbours, pergolas, arches and other vertical surfaces with climbing annual plants with powerful growth energy.
Black-eyed susan vine - Thunbergia alata.
Liana for rooms and balconies!
A herbaceous liana plant up to 2.5 m high with large, showy flowers of rich yellow-orange tones, decorated with a black eye, which stands out clearly against the backgrou..
Black-eyed susan "July mosaic" (mix of colours) - Thunbergia alata.
A herbaceous liana plant (reaching up to 2.0-2.5 m in height) with large, showy flowers of rich yellow-orange tones, decorated with a black "eye" in the center, ..
Black-eyed susan vine "Orange with Black Eye" - Thunbergia alata.
Spectacular tubular flowers, reaching 5 cm in diameter, stand out clearly against the background of arrow-shaped leaves.
The flowers are yellow and orange with a dark purpl..
Black-eyed Susan Vine - Thunbergia alata.
Annual liana for rooms and balconies!
Herbaceous plant-liana up to 2.5 m high with large, showy flowers of rich yellow-orange tones,
decorated with a black eye, which stand out clearly against the bac..
Black-eyed Susan Vine (mix of colours) - Thunbergia alata.
Creeper for rooms and balconies, great for arches and hanging baskets, for creating flower fountains.
Herbaceous perennial liana with curly pubescent stems of the Acanthus family. Outd..
Canary creeper "Golden waterfall" - Tropaeolum peregrinum (canariense).
Showy, fast growing, annual herbaceous plant with exotic flowers and beautiful split leaves.
Stems up to 250 cm long, light green. The leaves are small, five-sev..
Canary nasturtium (Canary creeper).
Showy fast-growing annual herbaceous plant with exotic flowers and beautiful split leaves. Stems up to 250 cm long, light green. The leaves are small, five-seven-parted. The flowers are small, canary-yellow with c..
Cardinal climber "Quamoclit mix" - Ipomoea quamoclit.
A very attractive climbing liana with lacy leaves and elegant flowers in the form of stars coquettishly peeking out of the airy greenery.
The plant is able to climb any support an..
Monastery vine "White" - Cobaea scandens.
Gorgeous annual liana!
Climbing plant, grown in our northern climate as an annual, with numerous shoots 3-4 m long. Bell-shaped flowers, 6-8 cm in diameter, white.
Plant is thermophilic. Use..
Chilean glory flower - Eccremocarpus scaber.
In its homeland, Chile, it is a perennial that forms a rather large tuber in the soil.
During the dry season, the above-ground part of the plant dies off and, with precipitation, resumes, developing..
A mixture of climbing annuals "Everlasting".
Climbing annual plants are suitable for decorating walls, fences. Create a green hedge with colorful flowers.
Decorative courgette ''Kacenky''.
Mid-season variety (the period from germination to technical ripeness is 60-65 days). Bush plant. The fruits are cylindrical, tuberculate, yellow, weighing 1.5-2.0 kg.
The pulp is light, juicy, very..
Monastery vine (mixture of colours) - Cobaea scandens Cav.
Cobaea scandens is often grown as an annual, though it is actually a perennial in its native Central America.
The flowers start very pale greenish-white, then turn a rosy purple and gr..
Cup-and-saucer vine, Monastery vine, Violet Cathedral Bells - Cobaea scandens.
Honey-scented Vine Pollinated by Bats Growing 15-25 feet in a single season.
Cobaea scandens is often grown as an annual, though it is actually a perennial in ..
Ornamental pumpkin "Baby Boo".
An annual, fast-growing variety with decorative fruits. Stems-vines braid the support to a height of up to 3 meters.
Emerald leaves and yellow flowers will create a magnificent decoration for even the most u..
Ornamental pumpkin "Celebration" F1.
An annual climber - a pumpkin will serve as a wonderful decoration for your garden.
Small orange fruits with dark orange stripes look bright and unusual.
Creepers, covered with green decorative l..
Pumpkin decorative "Galaxy of Stars" F1 (mix of shapes and colours).
Recently, decorative pumpkins have become increasingly popular with amateur gardeners. These annual vines are capable of forming lashes up to 6 meters long.
With their h..
Pumpkin decorative "Warty mix".
Recently, decorative pumpkins have become increasingly popular with amateur gardeners. These annual vines are capable of forming lashes up to 6 meters long. With their help, it is easy to decorate a pergola ..
Eng.: Hedgehog gourd, Teasel Cucumber, Teasel gourd. Cucumber Deco-fruits mixes.
Double Morning Glory "Raffles" - Ipomoea purpurea.
An annual climbing plant with an abundance of large heart-shaped leaves, 200-300 cm high.
The flowers are amazingly beautiful, fully double, cherry-coloured with a white centre, and ..
Scarlet runner bean (Feuerbohne) - Phaseolus coccineus L.
Location: grows well in open sunny places. Heat-loving, damaged even by light frosts.
Soil: Requires well-drained, moderately moist soil containing lime, loves watering.
Reproduction: ..
Fire vine "Spanish Flag".
Curly chameleon! Exotic love flora!
Spectacular annual vine with numerous shoots. Plant height up to 5 m.
The length of each flower is up to 2 cm. The stems are thin. The leaves are dark green, three-lobed.
Fire vine "Spanish Flag" - Quamoqlit lobata = Mina lobata = Ipomoea versicolor.
An unusual climber!
An attractive climbing plant, ideal for clothing a sunny wall or fence.
Numerous stems are produced which become clo..
Hyacinth Bean "Ruby Moon" - Dolichos lablab.
Долихос обыкновенный, гиацинтовые бобы — Dolichos lablab = D. soudanensis.
Тёмно-бордовые плоские бобы долго украшают растение осенью.
Вьющийся однолетник с пурпурно-бел..
Hyacinth Bean "Violet" - Dolichos lablab = Dolichos soudanensis.
Origin: Tropics of East Africa. Curly annual.
Three-lobed leaves, moth-like flowers, collected in brushes, white, raspberry and purple in color. The duration of flowering of..